Trading Hours

All cash products are available for trade from 11:00:00 AM CT to 10:00:00 AM CT the following day. The session will be always enumerated the data of the starting day. For example, a trade done at 09:00:00 AM CT on Dec 2nd will belong to the Dec 1st session.

Trading Info

SymbolUnderlyingBase CurrencyTick Size
ETHTUSDETH (Ethereum)TUSD (True USD)0.1
XRPTUSDXRP (Ripple)TUSD (True USD)0.01

The products available for trade have somewhat larger tick sizes than are frequently found on many exchanges. Given the elevated volatility of these products, LXDX provides larger tick increments to facilitate greater near top of book liquidity.

BTC and ETH products are matched using FIFO priority. XRP and USDT both pro-rata as their matching algorithm. For more details on these matching protocols, please see our documentation.